Saturday, June 6, 2009

How many calls to action do you need?

Every blue moon the stars align and the right thing is said at the right time creating a shift in direction, belief, or awareness. It seems to be the nature of man to simply wait for these pivotal moments. Even leaders seem to wait for signs and wait for someone else to lead the way. I find that ironic.

This need for synchronicity of words hinged on events seems to be a whole lot of waiting and a lot of missed opportunities.

Having participated in the neighborhood council system for the last five years, I know so many well intended, smart people who continue to tap politely at the door of City Hall and when given a cold shoulder they simply exit stage right. It's almost as if the collective mindset of neighborhood councils is suffering low self esteem.

Yet neighborhood councils seem to have a firm grip on common sense when attempting to resolve City made issues. We are needed. We are capable.

So what are we waiting for?

The City Council has not committed it's heart to the neighborhood council system. So why have we committed ours to them? Why seek their approval? Why dull our tongues? Why not hold them accountable?

We have to find our voice! We must act as one.

Now is the moment to join the call to action. No trumpets must blare, nor sky's must part. City Council Members attempt to decimate the neighborhood council system by slashing our funding was the only sign I needed. One sign was enough.


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